Clan name: ShadowKnights
Clan tag: [*Ki7*]
Created: 10-1-2012
Clan extensions:[*K!7*] and [*K|7*]
The clan was formed in 10th January 2012 by $0ulre@peR. The inspiration for the name came from The Dark Knight. -Remember that while we are a casual clan you still represent the clan while wearing the [*Ki7*] tag. Please represent both yourself and the clan is a respectable way at all times while in game or in forums. Failure to abide by this will lead to a warning and possible removal from the clan.
-As a member of Ki7 we ask that you not be part of another clan. If you wish to be part of another clan while in Ki7 you can but will only be listed as a friend of Ki7.
-Verbal abuse and threats will not be tolerated. Trash talking is a given in video games, but do not make it personal. Failure to abide by this will cause you to be removed no questions asked.
-No flame wars will be tolerated on the site, in games, or between members. Any infractions to that code will be considered an attack on the whole group and shall be discarded by the clan. Members who violate this will be asked to leave the clan.
-We are all adults here, treat everyone with the respect they deserve here.
-No politics. This often leads to heated opinions and forum wars...refrain from it.
-No Racism. You will be removed from this clan if you violate this policy.
-Please refrain from belittling, elitism, or putting any member down due to game play or skill level. We are a casual clan who is willing to accept members who may not be at an elite level. If you feel like our members cannot play to your level then this is not the place for you. If you violate this the situation will be discussed and appropriate measures taken. We are no better than any other member on our team.
-No Cheaters/Hackers/Glitchers are to be in the clan if any member is found out to be cheating he or she will be taken out of the clan.
In-Game Name:
-No flame wars will be tolerated on the site, in games, or between members. Any infractions to that code will be considered an attack on the whole group and shall be discarded by the clan. Members who violate this will be asked to leave the clan.
-We are all adults here, treat everyone with the respect they deserve here.
-No politics. This often leads to heated opinions and forum wars...refrain from it.
-No Racism. You will be removed from this clan if you violate this policy.
-Please refrain from belittling, elitism, or putting any member down due to game play or skill level. We are a casual clan who is willing to accept members who may not be at an elite level. If you feel like our members cannot play to your level then this is not the place for you. If you violate this the situation will be discussed and appropriate measures taken. We are no better than any other member on our team.
-No Cheaters/Hackers/Glitchers are to be in the clan if any member is found out to be cheating he or she will be taken out of the clan.
In-Game Name:
Forum Profile Link:
How many hours you play per week:
Are you active on forum:
Are you basics user or op user or both:
special abilities(video editing etc):
Why do you want to join Ki7:
If you are a player that possesses the qualities we are looking for, then you can be assured that we will notice you. Remember: It isn't just your skills but also the way you act in-game and towards others which can affect your chances of joining Ki7.
Recruitment process:
1. Current members will nominate the potential recruits.
2. They will then be shortlisted.
3. Then the clan members will again vote to choose the best possible recruit.
Please be patient this process may take some time.
P.S Timeline and Members list will be added shortly
If you are a player that possesses the qualities we are looking for, then you can be assured that we will notice you. Remember: It isn't just your skills but also the way you act in-game and towards others which can affect your chances of joining Ki7.
Recruitment process:
1. Current members will nominate the potential recruits.
2. They will then be shortlisted.
3. Then the clan members will again vote to choose the best possible recruit.
Please be patient this process may take some time.
P.S Timeline and Members list will be added shortly